PATRICIO EKDAHL PUELMA, artista escultor, ceramista, pintor, nacido en Valdivia, Chile, en el año 1939. Aunque siempre tuvo conciencia de sus aptitudes para las artes plásticas, no fue sino hasta después de los 60 años, cuando dejó sus actividades laborales y empresariales, que se dedicó de lleno a esculpir y modelar.
Autodidacta absoluto, jamás pasó por una Escuela de Arte o taller de algún artista, debió recorrer solo todo el camino del aprendizaje experimentando hasta encontrar el procedimiento adecuado. No sin tropiezos logró una técnica que asombra ya que imprime a sus creaciones un realismo cercano a la escultura clásica, tan sin cultores en estos tiempos.
PATRICIO EKDAHL PUELMA, is a sculptor, ceramist, and painter artist, he was born in Valdivia, Chile, in 1939. Although he was always aware of his aptitudes for the plastic arts, it was only after he was in his 60´s, when he left his work and entrepreneurship activities, that he fully dedicated himself to sculpting and crafting.
He is an absolute self-taught artist, he never attended a School of Art or went through apprenticeship in an artist workshop, and he had to travel the entire learning path on his own by way of experimenting until finding the suitable procedure. Not without obstacles he achieved a technique that astonishes as he stamps to his creations a realism nearing the classic sculpture expressions, which have few followers in the world of arts these days.